


Privacy Protection - Virtual Number

With real-name authentication, it has become more convenient for fraud and some illegal individuals, who use the guise of anti-fraud to deceive and harass many people. Who has real-name authentication really made it easier for?

Previously, when receiving fraudulent and harassing calls, they had to use many methods and ways to extract information from you, and they might not even succeed. But now? They know your name, what you do, where you live...
So you need a few virtual numbers, although their effectiveness is limited, at least you can defend yourself a bit.

  1. Website registration, requires
    Just search online, there are many such numbers. Use their phone numbers for website registration, but they can only be used once, and these numbers are public, so anyone can see your text messages, you can only receive messages.
  2. Virtual numbers
    Buy them from virtual operators, but your personal information...
  3. Purchase from telecom operators like China Telecom, China Unicom, and China Mobile
    The well-known China Mobile - "He Duo Hao"
    "He Duo Hao" is an application launched by China Mobile, which allows users to easily apply for and manage multiple virtual secondary numbers without changing their phone number or SIM card. This application is especially suitable for users who need to use different numbers in different scenarios, such as temporary website registration, receiving deliveries, or communicating with unfamiliar people.
  4. Others
    I remember Alibaba Cloud has a secondary number service, but I can't log in anymore.
    Xiaomi phone numbers are also an option.
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