


Do not harm others

These days, on Douyin, there are always videos featuring a couple. The woman often buys clothes online, tries them on naked when they arrive, wears them, and then returns them to the seller. This is not terrible, what's terrible is that both of these people are sick with cauliflower disease (HPV, commonly known as genital warts). This disease is difficult to treat, mainly requiring repeated treatments, dietary restrictions, and medication. For women, it may even lead to cancer.

Ah! No matter how cautious society is, some things are still unavoidable!

For married couples, if one has it, the other likely does too, unless you live separately. Apart from sexual contact, it can also be transmitted through shared toilets, bedding, towels, and more.

For unmarried individuals, it's troublesome. The other person may not trust you, accusing you of being extravagant or no longer a virgin.

Most people believe that this disease can only be transmitted sexually. Therefore, cherish yourself, disinfect when staying in motels, and remember that disinfectant does not work against this disease; it can only be fought off by your immune system.

Pre-marital health checks are essential; otherwise, you won't know what diseases your partner may have, especially with something like this, which may take a long time to cure.

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