


Recommended Subdomain

Here are some recommended secondary domain names:

  1. https://ydns.io/
    Demo: http://wangbin.ydns.eu/
  2. https://customer.l53.net/ (If you can apply for it, it's quite good, renewed for a year, free, can be bound to cf)
    Demo: http://xixiku.ggff.net
  3. https://freedns.afraid.org/ (Ten thousand level domains, apply freely)
    Demo: http://langniao.3n.cc and http://langniao.k.vu
  4. http://ym.aiygo.fun/
    Demo: None available at the moment
  5. https://hzyo.cn/ (Heard it has been taken down)
    Demo: http://langniao.zxzi.cn
  6. https://www.cloudns.net
    Demo: None available at the moment
    If there are others, please send them to me, and I'll compile a list, preferably with demos.
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